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Medinexus, an app dealing with childhood obesity launched

‘Medinexus’, an app that exclusively deals with childhood obesity was launched here during the fourth international diabetes....

Conference on Diabetes

A two-day Diabetic and Endocrime Summit, beginning here tomorrow, would discuss, among others, The Novel Drug Delivery Systems,involving SGLT-2 (Sodium Glucose Co Transporter) Inhibitors....

Navigating Hyperthyroidism from diagnosis to care

India faces a significant burden of thyroid diseases. Such conditions occur when the butterfly-shaped gland located at the.....

Type 2 diabetes on rise among rural folk

Every day, about 250 women patients above 40 years age and with type-2 diabetes walk into the government hospital for treatment.....

Diabetes and Bone Health

Diabetes is a disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels and HbA1c > 6.5. It is commonly differentiated into 2 types – Type 1 and Type 2....

Manage Yourself - Diabetes

Managing diabetes is a continuing process of expediting the knowledge, talent, and ability needed to successfully manage disease on your own.....

Thyroid disease and Diabetes - an Intermesh

Thyroid disease and diabetes are the two most prevalent endocrine disorders, and it has been documented that there is increased prevalence of thyroid....

Diabetes - Facts & Figures

Blood glucose is the main source of energy and comes from the food you consume. Insulin, a hormone synthesized by the pancreas....

The Pancreas Strike, Know The Types...!!!

This condition accounts for around 5-10% of diabetes. According to IDF 2019 (International Diabetes federation), 1,71,281 individuals within....

Gear Up To Unmask The Sneaky Silent Killer!!!

The burden contributed by diabetes and the types of diabetes have been discussed earlier, now let us discuss on its common symptoms and....